Monday, July 18, 2011


This place is a sweet hike 10 miles south of Lake Tahoe, CA on HWY50. Look for the Twin Peaks day parking area. Destination Wilderness belongs to Eldorado National Forrest. About 65,000 acres of subalpine and alpine forest, granitic peaks, and glacially-formed valleys and lakes. Its a great hike, especially when the snow melts.

Golden Gate Golf Course

Friday, July 1, 2011

Save the Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles have been on this planet for over 150 million years and now many of the 7 types of sea turtles are endangered and face extinction. Recently I went on a turtle night walk conducted by the Sea Turtle Preservation Society in Central Florida. I witnessed a 4 ft Loggerhead Turtle give birth to over 100 eggs on the beach. It was amazing and one of the most "natural" things I have ever seen. Sea Turtles breed and nest from May to July and tens of thousands turtles lay eggs every night on the beach during these months. Please read up before you go searching on the beaches as turtles are very sensitive to light and are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Fines could lead to a felony charge. If in Florida check out this out: